TufF indeed.
Sunday was the elemenation rounds of regionals for college ultimate, and for a reason I don't entirely know yet, they were held at UTD. There was pool play saturday, but I ended up seeing Kung Fu Hustle with Kristen instead. We missed the first round, but made it in time for the semi's. UT TufF (ranked 10th[nation]) went hand in hand with OU the first half, then stomped them out the second half. (15-8 I think) Then came the finals... dum Dum DUM. Kansas did a pretty solid job early on exploiting UT's cup and hitting long throws, however UT showed again a surging second half and ended the game 15-9. UT's speed (game, not running) was really impressive. They'd frequently go through 6-8 passes in like ten seconds with nonstop solid cuts. The whole day rocked, and made me really miss ultimate. Thank god classes are over and I can play more (well, I have that pesky final tomorrow... maybe I should study... ). Anyways, if you ever get the chance to check out college ultimate, I highly advise it.
going ho, (sexily I might add)
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