Home warming party

A bit late on this one, but last sunday was Rachel's homewarming party, her place is sweet and they have like this huge grotto-esque pool which is really sweet (at least at night it looks grottoish... sexy). The party was cool and went for hours, oh and I am officially back to my long lost love Vodka. I drank a looooooooooooooooooot and had no hangover. As you can see above the pool table is really nice, and full size, a little comfy on one end with the wall but it's still cool.
So... drinking was had early and often, there were of course lizadies..

... and drunk-fu
First rule of drunk-fu camera flashes distracts not the eyes less it distracts the soul.
Second rule of drunk-fu, a true master never drops his cigarette in a fight.
Third rule of drunk-fu, the heart of the warrior is always ready, not just on the field of battle but... in bedrooms.... while drunk.

Finally the party moved to the pool, clothing possibly optional, I'm really anxious to see what the pool looks like in daylight because night time plus drunk time made it look really sweet.

And what good party is complete till some drunk ass clown walks through the room neked... no, no pictures on that one.
with naughty thoughts of my new fling vodka,
that sounds like one hell of a party!
12:17 PM
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