A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Monday, February 27, 2006

My lions pillow

So yesterday I meant to wash all my sheets and such. But I'm random, and lazy and forgot until I was ready to crash. Now initially I was pissed because I was tired, and my Zelda/Mario pillow case was downstairs underthreat of being washed with bleech, but my mood quickly changed after rummaging through the linnen closet. After digging through ocean and flower patterns I happened upon my lion pillow case. Much like my previous post, a flood of memories was suddenly triggered by this pillow case. It was one of my favorites growing up, and has on it two lions in the jungle with a cub. They kind of look like they're posing for a picture out on a hunting trip. Needless to say I was excited. After making my bed, which I think I despise more than any other task in the world, I stood at the foot of my bed doing that little billow thing with the top sheet. Looking down at the pillow case from afar my attention was kind of drawn to different things than you notice upclose. The left big lion, for example, was overly preoccupied with a butterfly on his nose, and the right lion had a little too jovial smile going on, then the cub seemed to almost be looking at them a little confused... butterfly lion... titter lion... confused cub... butterfly.... titter... conf-... oh my god my pillow is gay!

It hit me like a lightning bolt, they weren't on a bloody hunting trip! Male lions don't hunt, they fight to the death for dominance of the pride! These guys clearly aren't fighting for dominance, though there is some pride... and I'm sure they get plenty of mane on mane action... but not to the death. (teeeheehee, if I get any more punny I'm going to need a put a warning lable on my blog) And the cub! That's not an apprentice hunter, that's their supreme court baby-cub.

mildly disallusioned,


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