Ring a ding ding
I love learning. No no wait, bear with me hear. (teehee) Don't let my bitching and moaning about school mislead you... because school is definitely not on a whole associated with learning. It is? oh... well it isn't in my mind. But anywho when I discover a new place, or learn a new thing I can't help but get a grin cause it tickles my brain... I guess you could describe it like a koala crapping a rainbow in my head. So... the source of this multicolored archway in my cranium? The Cavern and Speedballs. Rachem and I hit up the Cavern on Sunday which I really digged. We went with some people from the Londoner to see a Sinatra cover artist whose name escapes me at the moment. The lounge portion is evidently upstairs on top of a new gypsytearoom/trees alternative bar/venue, however, since it has it's own entrance and stairs I didn't see what the venue portion looks like. The guy was a solid Frank cover artist including oldschool lounge style intersong banter. Mmmmm punchlines.... Most of my favorites were covered including the lady is a tramp and world on a string. No 'my way' but we did get there late so who knows. Highlight of the night was when the guy mentioned Laura Miller between songs and a girl at the table on the other side of the room remarked, "who's laura miller?" Classic. After that we headed over to New Amsterdam Coffee House at fair park where I endured my second cerebral lucky charms annurism, Speedballs. Suffice it to say Guiness+espresso rocks my world, rocks it sexy. What's odd is I'm really not a fan of coffee but the guiness absorbs the edge leaving a complex smooth taste and hair raising caffeine. Pictures! I forgot to take any at the Cavern but here's one from NACH.

And then here's one that's evil... or what it would look like had it been a real amsterdam coffee house. Definitely Evil. Except rachel... I mean, still evil cause it's rachels naturally (doubt it? oh I have rachel pictures that will burn a hole in your soul), but not outright. She has this "I'm just a little possesed girl who pushes people down stairs, protect me superdemons" look. Or a sexy comehither "come play with me and jenn big boy... forever and ever and ever
Beware ye of faint heart!
sittin' on a rainbow,
so the yeeehahahahahahha was suppose to be surrounded in .<../.>.. blocks, but evidently they won't show up so anyone know how to make markup show up as text?
10:44 AM
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