Fuck you paris hilton.
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with women? Why do so many insist in trying to acheive a standard set by the basest, worse elements of our society? For fucks sake, how can you want to measure yourself to the grading scale of the porn industry, whore socialites, and worse of all, the rag paper media. (US, Sun, People, EW, etc) What garnered such outrage? The discovery of some before and after pictures of one ms. lindsey lohan, formerly one of the hottest girl in the world. But oh, I won't just make outrageous claims, I'll lay it out for you here and now:


This blows my mind. God I wish i could believe that she just has developed a coke habit. As fucked up as that would be, it'd still be better than some conscious choice to change yourself like this to try to appeal to some fucked up ideal. Is there no personal reponsibility and self assurance left in the world? Nevermind social responsibility for your god damn neighbor. Why is there not a fucking outrage? And I don't mean a horseshit expose in one of the afforementioned rag mags that are intended just to sell more issues. Just the other day I was flipping channels when that retarded 'the making of' house of wax show was on, and paris hilton was fucking 'suprising' a birthday girl who was having a 'paris hilton' party.
A party, where all the twelve year old girls dress up like an ignorant, spoiled superslut. And the mom approved of this? "It's a theme, have your girl dress like a whore..." yeah, like that would fly. (fuck, maybe it would, some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids). But wait, let me consult my thesaurus... yup, parishilton, is in fact, synonymous with whore. I didn't include another picture which included ms richie right alongside ms. lohan every bit as 'coked' out on some carpet. Why would you aspire to a girl who knows only two words, "thats" and "hot"? (honestly people, I think she believes the two to be one word)
It's just so sad and tragic and fucked up.
crying on the inside,
p.s. And don't anyone dare try to blame society, the only blame that is owed to society is for allowing it to happen, not in the causation.
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