A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Grad Schooligans part Duex!!!

I usually don't reuse material... I don't know, mostly cause I instantly become self critical and with every reading grow to dislike what I wrote more and more... hehe except when I'm drunk, drunk emails crack me up.... anyways, so I'm going against my own grain here, but I thought it was funny so maybe that's a sign... good or bad? who knows...
*factoid* distant relatives of the soccer hooligan, grad-schooligans are believed to share a common ancestry dating back to early 1500s, at which point scientists believe there was an evolutionary fork creating the gradschooligan who chose academia, then emerging on european continent, over sport. Common traits between the two species include heavy drinking, avoidance of "work", and a distaste for "the man". While considerably less aggressive than the soccerhooligan, gradschooligans are known to react quite violently when provoked usually over issues of theoretical physics, star wars debates, or political issues of third world countries (see liberalartemus a 'culture' within the gradschooligan species). Though less violent than their sporting counterpart, they do retain the innate ingenuity to turn any near by object into an explosive burning mass to be propelled at the enemy, a behavior commonly found in observations of the soccerhooligan.

distasting the man,


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