A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Monday, April 17, 2006


I feel there are two types of countries, at least in the >3rd world, consensers and fuckoffians. The first category, with places like Canada, UK, Germany, India and others that seem to hold some common principles, and a general disposition. Not to downplay both internal and external political turmoil, but compared to the fuckoffians they seem to have a meditation about them when it comes to society locally (albeit viewed through my limited knowledge) and on the global stage. Fuckoffians on the other hand, the french, ourselves (US), Russia, a good handful of arab nations, and depending on the day China (if they had a freer {is that a word?} political system I think they'd be more fuckoffian) are the complete and utter opposite. There's never a consensus, or reasoned thought but rather opposiding sides interanlly or opposing other fuckoffians externally at far extremes that don't make the least bit of sense.

For example, take immirgration in the US. You can't fucking declare 10-15 million people as felons in our current economic state, especially when they hold a huge place in the essential work force. I'm sorry no one listened to the southwest for the past 15 years, but the nation as a whole chose to ignore the problem (because it was only texas->california's problem) and now that has bit them in the ass. The simple fact of the matter is they ignored the problem, and now you have this huge population, most of whom work in valuable jobs, contribute to this society, and are good people who we allowed to come here and make a better life for themselves. Calling them criminals is rediculous. I'm not picking a side mind you, fuckoffians can't be fuckoffians without other fuckoffians to fuckoffy against, case in point the 'protesters'. People keep prattling on about how impressive it was that the hispanic community mobilized, and showed that they are a force to be reckoned with in washington. There's nothing impressive about it, and honestly its an insult to the civil rights movement 50 years ago, the italian/irish/E.euro labor movement a hundred years ago, the womens liberation movement, basically all the serious movements that have been against oppression and for the dignity and rights found in our constitution. A) You don't count cause you don't have a vote, and the opinion against your cause is overwhelming. This is the first thing both parties have agreed on in a really long time. B) You are not entitled to citizenship. Human dignity and humane treatment doesn't include a free pass into the country. It means you're treated well as your shipped back home and the idea that people are trying to dictate otherwise is rediculous. C) Protests without education, without a point, are just mobs and they sure as hell don't get my respect. I saw countless 'students' 'protesting' who didn't have a clue what the issue was. When interviewed they said rediculous things about 'down with Bush' who actually is there best chance at getting any support. They carried Mexican flags, failed to show up to any rallys or townhalls that didn't involve skipping school, and generally showed their true colors: red, white, green and fuckoffian.

The solution is simple, if this was canada (I'm hyperbolizing here) they would be like, "Look, we made a mistake, so we need to incorporate these people into our society, including as tax revenue, and ensure that they are assimilated, including speaking our language, and participating in our political and educational systems but then we need to refocus and adhere to the principals of our nation and get immigration back on the track that we as Canadians think is right... eh?" But instead we got fuckoffians, "Throw them in jail!" "We have a right to be here!"

France is no better. The retardicon nation has no youth employment. (22% unemployment) The reason they could all protest is they didn't have any damn jobs. Now they protest a law designed to encourage youth hires, to fuel a stagnating socialistical (if thats not a word it should be) society (marx and lennon you can suck my nuts ya dumb bastards)*** and the unemployed youth revolt. How dare they take away their unquestionable job security of the jobs... they don't... have. So Chirac comes up with a compromise, fair to both sides, right down the middle and he is virtually hung in public by all. By the way, that's another symptom of fuckoffian societies, voices of reason are pretty much synonymous with maurder... except without the cause... what do you call a maurder without a cause? oh yeah, chump.

As a person who's easy going, and idealistic fuckoffianism makes me sick. Chump or not, the voice of reason will always get my vote and support.

fuckoffy it all,

*** Have you ever read the Communist Manifesto? Talk about a load of horsepoo. Maybe I have a century worth of history clouding my judgement but how could anyone have ever thought that garbage would succeed?


Blogger Chris said...

I don't believe a free pass should be given to illegal immigrants. What message does this send to people on the outside? Hey we got a new policy for all you guys that want in (which a ton of people want), but oh by the way if had the guts to muscle your way into the country that's cool, just don't do it anymore...

10:03 AM


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