the BBC
So driving to the Londoner last night to get boozed up I was listening to the BBC and was awestruck by the complex intellligent discussion that was going on between the commentators. (it's like a regular program, like hannity and colmbes or crossfire.... HAAHAHAHA I kid... english readers don't shank me for that (cause they don't have guns)) But the conversation was fascinating, not just in it's nuance, but in it's calm and clear approach. It reminded me of us following 9/11, when honsestly we were anything but calm and clear. Though everyone else seems to, I'm not making presumptions of comparing the two events, and abhor the 'trendiness' of now naming every terrorist bombing with their dates. It just made me really realize that resolution fueled by anger is only as strong as it's source, which inevitably suffers from time and complacency. Resolution fueled by principle through sound reason and clear mind falters under no such reasons. Not only is anger and the desire for retribution foolish in it's inevitable faltering, it clouds the very resolution it fuels. Another attack on america is probably inevitable, especially with the current vector of american foreign policy. Instead of sending condolences and understandings ('we know how you feel') maybe we should actually try to understand the english reaction and take a lesson from the other side of the pond. I think it'll serve us well in the future.
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