A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Gradschooligan's Part something... i need a secretary to keep track. Volunteers?

So as this week comes to a close I'm aware of one pressing issue. Midterms are next week. Whaaaa? Exactly. 8 week sucks like a hoover on a 48 hour tweek binge. Huh?... Oh. It's true, much like the high rate of teen suicides amongst native americans, vacumes feel the culture wide pressure and resulting depression of being cast aside from society by other cultures like the Roombaians and the Swiferish. Problem number one? Drug abuse. (it would seem the cnn article has been removed, I suspect a cover up by the Man.) I've been to only 4 classes and now a midterm. This is nuts! (Granted there were 5 classes, but I was mounting a Save the Hoovers campaign during one class. Hmm? No... the public works project from an untimely death as a cliche'd tourist destination. Fuck vacumes, have you seen a Roomba?) So it'll be an interesting thing to undertake. But I only have one midterm since my other class is a research course. Hmm.. course recap time.... *doodleydoo doooodleydoo dooodleydoo*(waynesworldsounds) So I signed up for two courses this summer, and two in the fall. It seemed a good idea at the time because they were each interesting and I wouldn't have to round out my graduate eductation with some mind numbing elective like Compiler design... or network calculus (I'd go with ball kicking over mind numbing on that last one actually). So for the summer it's Computer Vision and Data Mining. Little did I know that Data Mining is a research course... so there's no homework, or projects, or midterm. Just a final over the 'broad' information we get through slide lectures and a semester long research 'project', which really isn't a project so much as a question to be investigated. And it isn't really a smester but like 6 weeks.) I just keep telling myself 12 more hours.

laughing heartily at the vacumes plight,


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