A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Friday, September 02, 2005

So much for syndication...

Welp, sorry Chris Carter but Katrina is going to destroy and date the x-files from here on out. In the wake of current events the idea that FEMA will sieze control of the country in an alien attack/natural disaster is... well I'll let you dear readers(haha?) decide what but implausible is the best case word to use. (I'd use inane or insane or lame...)

I don't understand the sluggish response, but this is what I imagine 9/11 would have looked like (in feeling, not scope/size/etc) had we not had Giulani. Someone needs to take charge and give a clear voice and direction to the situation. (and it needs to be a higher up because the local govt is a mess)



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