Holy Shit he got a job.
Since I don't want to palgerize I should give credit where credit is due, the title is actually a quote from my dad. And if you paid attention to your Iowa testing as a kid, you'd be able to infer that yes, I am now officially employed. :) Well, minus the pay cause I don't technically start until July. Another month of being poor, yes. But I am use to being poor by this point, so its no big deal. Maybe I could write a book like that McCourt fellow, Carp's Tassles, about stripping for money and selling my pride. Sorry? The book wasn't called Angela's Ass's? Ashes... why would he name it..? Oh. So that's not what he wrote about? they moved where? and died of what? I see... So maybe I'm not actually poor, but I still think I could write a damn good book about stripping. Ofcourse, like any good author I'd need to do research... ladies I'll post a sign up sheet shortly. Things to ponder... so yes, I got a job with a sweet company and I ship out to Seattle at the beggining of July, for some wicked training.
I had an awesome time hanging out with the rachems and ms crow for the MavericksVSpurs series. It was a nail biter, as it would seem most maverick games are but we pulled it out in the end. Lo siento jenn. For sports games, McKinney Avenue Tavern is the schwizzle. The crowd was by far the most involved and fun yet for a game night. Last night's game against the suns was awesome! Our turnoverization of the Suns totally turned it around in the second half. I spent most of the spurs series, and even the early sun games wishing we could shoot threes. But I've come to accept my red-headed step childen as the pick&go short shotters they are, it works for them so it works for me.
I may have mentioned this before, but I love the Slip Inn. The music is hot, the bartenders fun, the booths are sweet, but it really comes down to something less tangible. An essence that is the byproduct of something quite tangible, the rules:

I think that says it all.
So, before we get to the finale I thought I'd lay some Matisyahu wisdom. If you haven't yet, check out his Live at Stubb's album.
Strip away the layers and reveal your soul
Got to give yourself up and then you become whole
You're a slave to yourself and you don't even know
You want to live the fast life but your brain moves slow
If you're trying to stay high then you're bound to stay low
You want God but you can't deflate your ego
The Wedding...
Congratulations are in order for Mr.&Mrs. Rashidi.

I've been to my fair share of weddings, always the bridesmaid never the bride, (thank god... on so many levels) and I can honestly say that Paul & Melissa are really great together. I couldn't be more happy for them. Their wedding was awesome! First it was at St. Elzabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. This church is incredible: stone, arched cielings with paintings, murals on the walls, stained glass everywhere, etc. A very nice backdrop for a wonderful wedding. The reception was held at the Mariott near by and I have to say that was one of the coolest receptions I've ever been to. Instead of just having a DJ or a wedding band, they had a MC who 'ran' the reception. The way the events flowed together, the energy in the room, etc was all sweet and is a very cool idea for a wedding.
So... pictures:
The arrival...

Ofcourse, it wouldn't be a blog post de la Carp if it didn't have: sexy ladies.

Group hug!

Last dance... Last dance.... for loooooooove:

Since the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses....

ahhh, *tear*
p.s. I copyright the term Angela's Ass's and its use for any and all pornographic works. I'm rich beeyatch.
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