A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

To All the Girls I Loved Before

Man nothing blows donkey balls like having that song pop into your head only to realize you don't have that song anymore... well I wouldn't say nothing, there wasthis one time at bandcamp in mexi- this isn't the right blog for that story. That's right Wyclef does in fact start with a W, which does in fact fall in the last third of the alphabet, which is in fact the third I couldn't save from my hard drive as it cackled (some would call it spring noises) at me and took a sabatical in shottyville. You know, it's in crapIFUCKINGHATECOMPUTERSola county. When I'm rich, I'm going tojust hunt down the makers of shitty hard drives and of spyware and beat them with a belt. It's called comeuppance, and it's coming for you bitches. as soon as i'm rich.

crying tears or radnessge, (yup, I've invented a new feeling)

p.s. I always thought when I was little and had a big vocabulary but couldn't spell or understand/speak english that the word was comemuppets (e in hte middle is silent) like you could summon the muppets to do your evil bidding... like the two cranky balcony fellows and animal would make this destructo team and feast on bones... or fuzzy would tell hisbad jokes and torture you to death.... who am I kididng, fuzzy's jokes were awesome! I miss themuppets. I miss being a kid. I miss a time when computers didn't exist, and the only thing that crashed on me was my couch cushion fort.

defending the livingrooms from foreign heathens,
(yeah i signed my p.s. so what... you want to fight about it?)


Blogger Chris said...

Dude check out this random flower post above

11:30 AM

Blogger escapismc said...

I can only assume that it's becauseof the title. Fuckin retards I could write a better spam algorithm in my sleep

1:55 PM


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