To quote martin sexton, "freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedooom aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahghhhghhh".
No more school for a few weeks, it's time to do the happy dance. Supplemented by happy water? But ofcourse. Excellent. I think I need counseling, cause school and I have a very love-hate relationship and I don't think it's healthy.
Frued: "Zzo tell me zkhool, how zis it you feel when zhe talks about you like thisz mmm?"
School: "It's just like I'm this thing to be put up with, like he doesn't even understand me."
Me:"Understand you? You're a fucking educational system for christ sake."
Frued:"I zee, verrry zinteresting."
Me:"Jesus Ch-"
Frued:"I zeeense, maybe to heem you are an outlet for a mothzer comeplex... or a szpoon, it could be he loves a spoon too much... zeh maybe mother, no... no i am pretty sure it's a spoun."
School:"You know, that would explain a lot."
Me:"What...... the...... fuck.. You two are some batty gits"
Frued:"Now now, no ones ziz crazy here"
Me:"The hell there isn't, alright mr. I'llneverbeasgoodasskinnermaslowpavlovORjung, with your retarded complexes, and your ultra lame dream analysis... you got famous by peddling to women what they want to hear. and cocaine. You peddled them coke and silly ideas. If school wasn't so retarded and occasionally exalting people who should best be forgo-"
School:"See? You're so horrrible too me! *cries*"
Me:"I'm sorry baby... I didn't mean it like that... you know I just get frustrated sometimes with all your demands, but I sitll love you"
School:"Oh sweety I love you too!"
Frued:"*crying* zee but, but, proegress wiz out rezolution zis not progress at all... zee need to talk..."
Me:"Shut it perv"
School:"Oh I love you!"
Me:"I love you too... now lets go screwe somewhere dark and uncomfortable"
School:"What, like the back of a volkswagon?"
Me:"uh... sure."
true story
with addled brains,