A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


So I just watched National Treasure... and it was suprisingly good.

that's all.

nothing funny in this post... well I guess that it wasa good is kind of funny. but not haha funny.

reliving boyhood indiana jones fantasies, (ewww that's gross you sick perverts stop reading my blog with your filthy filthy minds)

p.s. Besides, everyone knows that han solo was delish, it's all about the tight pants and big black gun. indiana jones psssssssshhhhh.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


A close friend attended his first funeral, his grandfathers, this weekend. It's always suprising to me to find out how few of those other people go to. An enormous closenit family and other events have lead to more than I care to, or honestly even can, remember. Thinking about this over the weekened has led to a lot of thoughts and 'funtastic' dreams. Some of my earliest memories involve death and laughter interspersed, and I've found through life my own sense of humor to be a great aid in dealing with loss and pain. Maybe, probably even, it's a primary source of my sense of humor. Granted occasonally redirected at a blogpost or girl but always originating in my internal conflict with the world. Given this I find it strange that I can find no humor in others pain. I don't know, maybe humor can only mitigate my own feelings, or my empathic nature simply leaves such feelings too strong and beyond my control. Whatever it is, that sorrow is never more accutely felt than from the pain of the innocent. I had an epiphany of my hypocricy the other day in the protected hollow of liberalism and free thought. (outside helping my dad with yard work, j/king mom, love you) In my laments to my dad I fumed at the lack of outrage on the Bush administration backing off from the 'language of genocide' in referring to Darfur, and their low balling of casualty numbers. It was incomprehensible to me why the masses of america didn't care more. But who am I? And what is caring without action? I was ranting as someone who cares on those who don't, but it's not the case. Americans aren't indifferent, they're simply ignorant. If anyone is indifferent it's me. It reminds of a quote from Boondock Saints, "We must always fear the wicked. But there is another kind of evil that we must fear the most, and that is the indifference of good men." So I guess I have to start somewhere.

The Darfur conflict has claimed close to 380,000 people, and almost 2 million have been displaced from their homes and live in refugee camps. This death toll number is close to 1/20th of the holocaust, larger than any single ethnic cleaning in the holocaust except gentile poles and jews. Next Sunday (6/26/05) I intend to order as many darfur bracelets as I have requests from people. If you read this and would like one please leave a comment here, send me an email/aim (verify I get it though cause my aim dies and I lose messages), or give me a call. They're about $2 a peice, and the purchase money goes to SaveDarfur.org towards public education about the humanitarian crisis. Barring more people than I believe to read this site or even know me requesting a band, I'd like to pay for the bands myself and donate the money people give for the bands to MSF (doctors without borders). The recent popularity of these bands which has even begun to transcend causes may make them seem cliched or even trite, but to me the words they conjur is sincerity and hope.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Gradschooligan's Part something... i need a secretary to keep track. Volunteers?

So as this week comes to a close I'm aware of one pressing issue. Midterms are next week. Whaaaa? Exactly. 8 week sucks like a hoover on a 48 hour tweek binge. Huh?... Oh. It's true, much like the high rate of teen suicides amongst native americans, vacumes feel the culture wide pressure and resulting depression of being cast aside from society by other cultures like the Roombaians and the Swiferish. Problem number one? Drug abuse. (it would seem the cnn article has been removed, I suspect a cover up by the Man.) I've been to only 4 classes and now a midterm. This is nuts! (Granted there were 5 classes, but I was mounting a Save the Hoovers campaign during one class. Hmm? No... the public works project from an untimely death as a cliche'd tourist destination. Fuck vacumes, have you seen a Roomba?) So it'll be an interesting thing to undertake. But I only have one midterm since my other class is a research course. Hmm.. course recap time.... *doodleydoo doooodleydoo dooodleydoo*(waynesworldsounds) So I signed up for two courses this summer, and two in the fall. It seemed a good idea at the time because they were each interesting and I wouldn't have to round out my graduate eductation with some mind numbing elective like Compiler design... or network calculus (I'd go with ball kicking over mind numbing on that last one actually). So for the summer it's Computer Vision and Data Mining. Little did I know that Data Mining is a research course... so there's no homework, or projects, or midterm. Just a final over the 'broad' information we get through slide lectures and a semester long research 'project', which really isn't a project so much as a question to be investigated. And it isn't really a smester but like 6 weeks.) I just keep telling myself 12 more hours.

laughing heartily at the vacumes plight,

Las peliculas de mi corazon.

So big gulps huh?
Ah summer, that time of year where the birds are chirping, which in birdish is them laughing at your balls sticking to your leg... and then crying that they don't have balls, children playing nude in the sprinklers, (what? nude children too close to a ballsweat reference? ah... duly noted) and movies descend upon us like a pack of republicans, a few are actually good, most mean well but do evil in the name of more money, and then some are simply too sinister too describe. (Category I II and III as I like to call them) Shall we begin?

StarWars: Episode III (CatII)
Good movie. Fuck Lucas you shitty dialog writer. How fucking pompus are you? If you would give me a dialog screening and rewrite opportunities I'd put a god damn oscar on your desk. *siiiiiiiiiiigh* woooooozah wooozah. But the movie was good, dialog withstanding, and rocked. The scene where anakin finally turns was fucking weak... it just wasn't played right, seemed to forced I guess. It was like, "really? you're turning for that?" Following that thought, I'm so glad lucas didn't pull any punches once he did turn evil. Anakin straight up went ape shit, and was the first time I even saw a hint of darth vader and not darth wineee bitchango. And ofcourse, yoda has another fight, and it was stellar. ILM did a fantastic job, I've never seen reality blurred so well.

High Tension (CatIII)
It was the girl all a long. There, now the shitty ending is ruined. You owe me 8 bucks, two hours... and sexual favors if you're of the opposite sex. (cause for a french horror movie there were no where near enough boobies... 2.)

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (CatII)
Very good movie. Very predictable and light, but who cares? As Leonard something (that film critic said) Pretty guns, pretty people, blowin shit up... I'm entertained. Couldn't have said it better. Oh and I have to find a wife pronto so angelina can homewreck me. errrrrrrrrow... so sexy.

Batman Begins - IMAX (CatI)
Ninjas... do I need to say more?

But I will, cause it rocked. The movie had character development, solid actKatieHolmesing, an awesome job by the guy who plninjasays scarecrow, sweet modern bat gear that reflkatieholmesects real ideas and not the hazy memories of joel shumninjasacher's acid trip down the gay pride parade on cedar springs. Did I mention Katie Holmes and Ninjas? Oh and motherfucking wayne manner. I love houses that just like... scream carnegie or vanderbuilt. A really great movie that hopefully has revived the franchise. Oh and the IMAX, as always, rocks the casbar.

some vanderbilt links for ya:
The Breakers
Vanderbilt Mansion
and of course... Biltmore.

envisioning my manse,

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

By the light of zues! (oh my god i'm alive)

So moving sucked, so many boxes to carry it took 3 days straight and is not something I'm looking forward to doing again. So late last night as we were finishing up quite possibly the worse thunder storm I've seen since I was a child hit campus. Rain was blowing almost to our front door (you would be soaked if you even attempted to go down the stairs on that side of the building), water was being pushed away from drains by the wind, and lightning was crashing down everywhere... including near by. Thank god for the saburban cause I would have been screeeewed in the saturn.

late for class,