A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.

Monday, August 29, 2005

awwww fuck me

No really, I swear I'm cooler than this. Seriously! Come on... I'm a cool guy, really I promise! But uh... yeah I have more movies.

If I was cooler I'd be drunk and have red eyes, but I'm not... so I was watching Red Eye. And Mr. Craven is back! After taking a detour in spoofville and a picnic in the greenlight distric, he's back to his genre. This was really more a good suspense/action movie, than a horror movie. Rachel McAdams is hooo..ooo-oot. Who'd have thunk the girl from mean girls and the hot chick would suddenly end up a star in two of the biggest movies of the summer. (also in Wedding Crashers) I did mind you, but that's cause I'm psychic! Beware my powers! I can talk to pets and infer information by your reactions to letters of the alphabet!

Pets! Of the sea! Don't feed the killer whales! No it won't give them indigestion, I don't think anything can give them indigestion. Including you! They will kill you if you try to feed them... oh you'll feed them... your first born child. Don't fuck with those things.... Oh, I saw Deep Blue. The less famous bigger brother of March of the Penguins. It was a gorgeous film that showed the full spectrum of the ocean life. Highlights include the rolling rave fish (cause they blink like trance lights) in the deep ocean, a polar bear (the fiercest kill of the animal kingdom) trying to take out whales, and killerwhales taking out EVERYTHING. Those fuckers are mean, highlight of the meanness: killerwhale, we'll call him Willy launches a baby seal, we'll call him booboo, though pooor bastard may be more accurate... anywyas, launching booboo with his tail at least 4-5 stories (30-40 ft) into the air like a rag doll.

Poor baby seals... it was a very Grimm sight. Eh? eh? I'm clever. Brothers Grimm was a fantastic, imaginative, Willow-PrincessBride hybrid crap of a movie. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it a lot. And it was a great fairy tail that, as you can tell by my dated references they just don't make many of now a days. (I blame 3D-animation) But man it was a horribly cut film. I don't want to say directed, because the cinematography and direction in scene are great, but it's pacing is all over the place the story seems choppy, etc. So first, be able to watch a MOVIE and suspend belief, second be prepared for an erratic pacing, and you'll get a pretty good movie.

oh god my corneas,

Monday, August 22, 2005

movies movies movies

Wow... I'm so movied out it's not even funny. Which is going to make writting this post long and painful if it's going to be funny... which it probaly won't.... but still read, cause there are movies.. and stuff, I should be a salesman.

so... I've done FF, WotW, batman, and smiths... did I do Sky High? Oh it was a sidenote, well then, i guess I'll start there.

So first up on the block, Sky High. At first glance this may look like a SpyKids type movie, but it's really not. Granted it's still child friendly (unlike the movies below) but it has solid jokes and superpowers. I'm a sucker for superpowers, and not to mention hot chicks. They play highschool students, but they're all over age.... I think. And ofcourse, Kurt Russel & Bruce Campbell in roles that give them one liners is just so dreammy. *daydreams of Big Trouble in Little China and Army of Darkness*

Next up to bat, big Duecy goes to Amsterdam in Duece Bigalow: European Gigalow. Now, I didn't like this movie that much. Why? well sure it was not a great plot... or acting... or direciton... but mostly because it shows the grittier side of the gigalow underground, where you're hired to please women who aren't being pleased elsewhere. The idea that you are not actually paid to get busy with beautiful women ruins my dre- ... dream of seeing a good movie that day. yesss.. that's it. Though like anything from the happy madison productions there's some good jokes, but not enough to justify theatre prices.

Now lets roll down remake lane, it's a circle drive actually not a lane... or is it a circle jerk... cause that would explain some things... Bewitched, not too bad, I enjoyed it but a lot of people didn't. Nicole Kidman is hilarious and I want to have Will Ferrels babies. No, no wait... no ok, I got that right. Willie Wonka & the chocolate factory I'm sitll not sure on. I am sure that it wasn't better than the first. The first was a classic, this will not be. No amount of argument or thought can change this fact that what makes a movie classic is a feeling far more intangible than something that can be quantitatively measured or qualitatively described. I think I would have liked the movie more if the umpa lumpa's were more scary. Their songs just weren't dark enough to sell it I guess. Visually stunning, emotionally empty. If you wanted to make it as great as the original the key was to make parents think it was a great movie to show their children and give the children nightmares. That's classic.

And next we'll be popping caps in peoples asses. Collateral (dvd) and Four Brothers both fucking rocked. They both have a pacing and action level akin to old action movies before they became hyper-violent uzifests. Think die hard or dirty harry. Jamie Fox did an incredible job acting, as did all the people in Four Brothers, especially Walberg and Andre3000(benjamin). And gun shots! Both movies had some of the best, most visceral gun shots in memory. Both movies also didn't pull punches with people dying. Dying good. Boom good. Movies good.

When people get shot, they die cause their body is broke. And then you send flowers to the funeral. Which oddly enough brings us to our next movie, Broken Flowers. (eh? see how I did that? write that down) Broken Flowers is another movie I'm not too sure about. I guess you could call it a cross between About Schmidt and Lost in Translation. The problem is it doesn't have the pacing that either film does, which is sad because I think Bill Murray pulls off an even more nuanced performance than himself (LiT) or Nicolson (AS). As Wes accurately noted, there's not much of a soundtrack, though he just called me a sack of poo on aim... as I my own filmic genius discovered, there's no soundtrack like in lost in translation, but there's not as much actual things happening like in About Schmidt. So it has the long pauses of LiT, but the absence of music during emotional scenes from Schmidt. (though I think even About Schmdit had more of a soundtrack) A thumbs up though for Alexis Dziena who's character is fully neked and walking around the room. Despite being named Lolita, she's overage... I think.

I need sex. But not a much as this guy. (no, seriously... ladies I'm now accepting applications, I'm an equal orgasmictunities employer that offers a 69k plan, and full mental coverage {cause girls are krrazy! teehe}) No but really, 40 Year Old Virgin is seriously giving Wedding Crashers a run for funniest movie of the summer. It's hard to judge, cause they're kind of different styles, but I'm leaning towards 40YOV. I love how both this movie and Wedding Crashers avoid the now overplayed somethingaboutmary/americanpie gross out humor. You laugh cause you're brain is tickled, not because it's a nervous reaction to keeping vomit down. With Chapelle show on indefinite hiatus we have a new champion for line you hear on campususes this fall to be used waaaay too much: "you know how i know you're gay? . . .". And like the trend champ that I am, ofcourse I'm gonna be an early adopter.

You know how I know you're gay? You read my blog. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! ...oh :-/

And finally, the fanciest for last, the Aristocrats. This movie is so fucking hilariously wrong it's right. It is extremely profane, so if you have issues with that do not see the movie. You won't enjoy it, you'll either walk out, or wish you were walking out but realize you're lame and worry too much about what other people think... which might actually be good cause you'll at least get the point from the movie by staying. Anyways, it is basicly a documentary based on a famous vaudville joke. In addition to just being funny, the movie casually analyzes how jokes change from comedian to comedian, the secrets of timing and language in jokes, etc. It was particularly funny to hear the audience reaction (Magnolia@WestVillage), which played up great with certain incest and sex jokes which wouldn't play as well at say Legacy(north plano), but didn't seem to laugh at the gay bahsing jokes. Everyone has their own unique line, and this movie pushes each persons own. Brilliant.

trying to refocus my eyes,

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Home warming party

A bit late on this one, but last sunday was Rachel's homewarming party, her place is sweet and they have like this huge grotto-esque pool which is really sweet (at least at night it looks grottoish... sexy). The party was cool and went for hours, oh and I am officially back to my long lost love Vodka. I drank a looooooooooooooooooot and had no hangover. As you can see above the pool table is really nice, and full size, a little comfy on one end with the wall but it's still cool.

So... drinking was had early and often, there were of course lizadies..

... and drunk-fu
First rule of drunk-fu camera flashes distracts not the eyes less it distracts the soul.
Second rule of drunk-fu, a true master never drops his cigarette in a fight.
Third rule of drunk-fu, the heart of the warrior is always ready, not just on the field of battle but... in bedrooms.... while drunk.

Finally the party moved to the pool, clothing possibly optional, I'm really anxious to see what the pool looks like in daylight because night time plus drunk time made it look really sweet.

And what good party is complete till some drunk ass clown walks through the room neked... no, no pictures on that one.

with naughty thoughts of my new fling vodka,

Monday, August 15, 2005

A day at the farm.

Thursday all my family went to the farm for the day. It's wierd not having horses down there anymore, but I guess it's for the best since they wouldn't be ridden enough now a days. So pictures!

First up the front pasture panoramic! It's only acutally like 70% of it, and I didn't have a camera when I was in the back pasture so no pictures of it.

Now for a sexy little tease for steve, oh you know you want it big boy...

Cousins playing football...

The front barn over the willow pond...

Our old boat...


Monday, August 08, 2005

Darfur bands part duex

A quick update: The bands finally arrived. Since I only had a few people show interest I think I'm going to forgo actually trying to collect money and encourage everyone to persue their own donation to MSF if they wish. Out of towners I'll get your addies from you soon.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Lake Texhoma

Went to the family reunion this weekend, it was pretty fun.

Word to the wise, don't get sick while traveling. Also don't put your arm on a bee. Cause that's just silly. And he'll probably sting you, and you'll probably not have any benadryl. And then your arm itches all weekend. Seriously, leave the bees in peace.

So... onto my new thought. I want to live on a boat. How cool would it be to have a house boat and just float around all the time. And since I'd be on international waters I could gamble and have a harem. Lakes aren't international waters? But I would get lots of ass? Of a type? ...That's good enough.

with a floating spirit,

And to end it with the 'Carpenter' mottos,
"Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way"
"Grab it like you mean it" (frequently preceded by an uncle under a car/tractor who needs you to stop being a wus and get some part on/off saying "c'mon boy")

Thursday, August 04, 2005

and some food for thought....

If you have HBO, check out the Def Poetry episode with Common, which includes the following (and I guess last tv performance) of Oscar Brown Jr. a Def Laureate if you will. If you don't, get the new season when it comes out on dvd and watch. Every person should see this performance.

This Beach

And now I’ve landed on this beach

It takes sixty-five years to reach

As this generation of mine

Is ordered onto life’s front line

The targets of a fusillade

That forces us to think of God

Reluctantly we storm this beach

Advancing to fill up the breach

Created by that fallen corps

Of elders who charged here before

While we enjoyed our middle age

Removed from the fire we now engage

A withering barrage rakes this beach

Its bullets bear the names of each

Of those who set foot on these sands

Old General Calendar commands

Advancing to a sure defeat

Without the option of retreat

We knew before we hit this beach

The enemy that we besiege

Has ammunition for us all

Who as casualties must fall

Not one will manage to survive

Nobody leaves this beach alive

For those arriving on this beach

There is no prayer to pray nor preach

To beg us off in any tongue

Since we have outlived dying young

And for surviving in exchange

Now face the fire at point blank range

The witness we bear on this beach

Has only one lesson to teach

That here the carnage never stops

As every day another drops

Some classmate, relative or friend

Whose attack comes to an abrupt end

So on into the breach my peers

Who knows how many weeks or years

Remain till you and I are hit

As we inch onward, bit by bit

We only know our lives will bleach

Eternally out on this beach

- Oscar Brown Jr.
10/10/1926 - 05/29/2005

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Stones are interesting. You have helpful ones you step upon, flat ones you skip on water, rolling ones that are invulnerable to organisms of the plantae kingdom, and a pair that you should water because they evidently need to grow. What's even more curious is that each of these stones seem infinitely important to every stage, decision, and moment in life. A framework if you will for moving through life based on where you've been, reflection on what to do next, preserverance in adversity, and the courage to take the last step.

The thing is, they kind of depend on each other for a mutual success, and I keep finding myself knee deep in water lost in rippled reflections with not a clue what's going on. And the more distorted things become the more it seems like delicate skipping across water isn't the solution this time. So I figure fuck it, lets chuck some rocks.

Hoping my house isn't glass,

Monday, August 01, 2005


I'm never drinking gin again.

or scotch
or rum
or crown
or beer
well, definitely not all at the same time. I need to retun to my roots of vodka served cold by General Mynuhzeetch. Clean and smooth... and more importantly no hangovers.

On a side note, Sky High was a much better movie that I anticipated.

in misery,