Good luck to the DU team at regionals this weekend.
A detailed and vague account of my escapist adventures, my treatise's on the world, social commentary, and homage to ninjas, dragons, and ninjas with dragon heads.
So normally my blog posts are event driven, occasionally on a point of topic, and every once in a while a drunk rambling. But rarely are they just a synthesis of things and ideas running through my head. I guess that's cause people aren't really all that synthesisy. If we were, yelling Eureka and By George! would be lame and cliched. So... where was I, ah, synthesis so anyways a bunch of random things relating to cars of some form or another have popped up and have bounced thinking around so now I present, "Pointless Post: How posts without 'a point' have more point than life itself and drive market economies." by Michael Carpenter PhD-eezNutz.
I love learning. No no wait, bear with me hear. (teehee) Don't let my bitching and moaning about school mislead you... because school is definitely not on a whole associated with learning. It is? oh... well it isn't in my mind. But anywho when I discover a new place, or learn a new thing I can't help but get a grin cause it tickles my brain... I guess you could describe it like a koala crapping a rainbow in my head. So... the source of this multicolored archway in my cranium? The Cavern and Speedballs. Rachem and I hit up the Cavern on Sunday which I really digged. We went with some people from the Londoner to see a Sinatra cover artist whose name escapes me at the moment. The lounge portion is evidently upstairs on top of a new gypsytearoom/trees alternative bar/venue, however, since it has it's own entrance and stairs I didn't see what the venue portion looks like. The guy was a solid Frank cover artist including oldschool lounge style intersong banter. Mmmmm punchlines.... Most of my favorites were covered including the lady is a tramp and world on a string. No 'my way' but we did get there late so who knows. Highlight of the night was when the guy mentioned Laura Miller between songs and a girl at the table on the other side of the room remarked, "who's laura miller?" Classic. After that we headed over to New Amsterdam Coffee House at fair park where I endured my second cerebral lucky charms annurism, Speedballs. Suffice it to say Guiness+espresso rocks my world, rocks it sexy. What's odd is I'm really not a fan of coffee but the guiness absorbs the edge leaving a complex smooth taste and hair raising caffeine. Pictures! I forgot to take any at the Cavern but here's one from NACH.
Happy mid-autumn!!!! Man the moon this weekend was incredible, early in the night on Saturday it seems to defract light through jet streams making them look 3-4 times thicker than normal and flat. So the moon was huge in the bottom sky and had like what looked like ribbons wrapped around it. Then at around 3a.m. I stepped out and the moon was now high in the sky and had an aura in the clouds that took up the entire night sky. This giant ring literally started just above the roof tops and encircles all the way to the edge of my own house. Unfortunately the pictures didn't come out too well, but here's my favorite.
Don't really know what to say about this so far. On the one hand, the democrats keep beating a dead bush with 'quotes' from John Robert's memos from over 20 years ago. Which is rediculous really because a) those memos/papers were written under the employment of a political agency and b) it was over 20 years ago. Which brings us to the counter point, the senate was denied recent documents and so they really don't have too much recent material to use so it's really their fault. (how a high level senate committee can be denied documents is beyond me btw) My impressions so far is that John Roberts is an ethical, fair individual with unbelievable experience in constitutional law. But who knows, Iraq had weapons of mass destruction so I can't help but always feel 2 steps away from being hoodwinked with the current administration.
Friday was the David Ryan Harris concert and it was incredible. This is what both Wen and I imagined the RachelYamagata & RayLaMontagne concert would have been. The crowd was small, (maybe 50 people) and the band just walked in through the front door and hung out occasionally at the bar before the show. Opening for drh was Sam Thacker a new artist I had never heard of but turned out to be really good. The best thing about the show was it's mix of music which reminded me a lot of a john mayer show. The music would transition from bluesy rock to slow singer/songwriter songs, etc. On that note, the band supporting drh is actually John Mayer's band while he works on his side project. It was an interesting night with the pictures, by the end ithink I finally found a way to take pictures without a tripod in the dark of concerts. So that's why there aren't too many pics on this one. Pictures below, videos coming soon...
So Joel was in town last weekend, so this is a bit late but we hit up Sushi Awaji and then Dukes. It was a really good time and I both miss and don't miss dukes.
So, the past two days have been a marathon run of the first two seasons of the4400. This show is definitely one of my new favorite shows and I can't wait for season3. Without giving too much a way, over the past 60 years people who have been 'abducted' suddenly return all at once in a ball of light with powers for unclear reasons. Kind of a mix of x-men (like the overarching mutant storyline), revelations (bible), that Visitor show with the dude from northern exposure/sex in the city, and ofcourse one of my favorite from 90s syndication: Earth Final Conflict. I have season 1 if anyone wants to borrow it and season2 on my tivo.
Man nothing blows donkey balls like having that song pop into your head only to realize you don't have that song anymore... well I wouldn't say nothing, there wasthis one time at bandcamp in mexi- this isn't the right blog for that story. That's right Wyclef does in fact start with a W, which does in fact fall in the last third of the alphabet, which is in fact the third I couldn't save from my hard drive as it cackled (some would call it spring noises) at me and took a sabatical in shottyville. You know, it's in crapIFUCKINGHATECOMPUTERSola county. When I'm rich, I'm going tojust hunt down the makers of shitty hard drives and of spyware and beat them with a belt. It's called comeuppance, and it's coming for you bitches. as soon as i'm rich.
Welp, sorry Chris Carter but Katrina is going to destroy and date the x-files from here on out. In the wake of current events the idea that FEMA will sieze control of the country in an alien attack/natural disaster is... well I'll let you dear readers(haha?) decide what but implausible is the best case word to use. (I'd use inane or insane or lame...)